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Geisa has a MBA from FGV/CEAG, a Masters in Finance from IBMEC, a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from the FAAP, and a Systems Analysis Certificate from IBM.


She has worked as an executive, as a consultant and as a designer in sales, marketing, finance, planning, quality management, business management, international affairs and engineering.


Her performance as an executive, in a small and medium-sized housing development, was instrumental in developing the feasibility and marketing of various projects, quality management in construction, and engineering.


As a volunteer, she has actively participated in the third sector in senior health issues.


João Arinos A3mais


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Rua Paraguaçu, 47, Pacaembu, São Paulo - SP - Brasil - CEP 05006-010

São Paulo: +55 (11) 3824-9496  .  New York: +1 (646) 797-3274

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